Monday, December 3, 2018

I'm Tired...

Under your Spell...

Character Art

Talking , Flying... Cabbage fairies.

Character Art


New Wiki Page

{{So I went through and made a Wiki for him, learn more about J’areth there!}}
{{He also Exists on Mateus now, So thats a thing!}}

Character Art



A Party!

“I admit I may have... drunk a bit too much tonight brother... I barely remember much, but what I do remember was amazing.”

“This one was sweet. I think her name was Vila? I told her she should introduce me to her boyfriend sometime. She thought it was funny.”

“They had an open bar. The barkeep was “The chocobo Knight” She was adorable. The drink.. i think she called it a Diremite’s Bite? It really packed a punch! You would have liked it.”

“There was a couple of shows, dancing, games, drinking, Food, lots of costumes.”

“I admit I felt a little out of place, I didn’t realize before going it was going to be THAT type of party.”

“I even let myself get talked into going on stage as a volunteer.. This fellow, Ulfar? Ul-Something.. You will have to forgive me, I don’t rightly remember his name, I was too shocked when he had us sit on a board, and picked EVERYONE up! To say I was surprised was an understatement.”

“After the party I took up some advice, and decided to choose a new path. Well. Training. I’m learning to use a bow, like you said you wanted to. I hope I will make you proud.”

“I relaxed in the company hall for a while. I think I may have dozed off by the fire.”

“When I came around again it was really late. I decided it was time for bed. I Miss you J’ared. May I continue to push forwards, for you, tomorrow.”


Character Art

“My poor Miqo’te boy.. an his coffee.

A New Friend

“Well, little brother, I met someone today. I’m hoping we can be friends. Her name is Q’uota, and she’s a really sweet, if a little shy, woman who I met at the grand opening (or re-opening?) of this pretty cool place, Epoch Tavern in the Mists. I mean, I didn’t MEET her meet her here. She’s part of this group of people I’ve decided to tag along with. One of their higher-ups was performing here tonight. BEAUTIFUL singer. But, I digress, after her performance, I spent a-lot of time talking to Q’uota.”

“And When I say a-lot...”

“I mean a-lot. Turns out she can summon Carbuncle, and she’s really great at sewing. Now, granted, I did off and on flirt with the other people there, I mean, Come on, You KNOW me. I even hit on the door girl. She was ... Well that’s a story for another time. ANYHOW.”

“When I told her I was interested in learning everything, she thought it was a little much, but when we talked about the Carbuncle, and learning that particular skill-set, she said she thought I could learn it too. Before we bid each other goodnight I asked her if she wanted to be friends. She said yeah. So I made a friend, aren’t you proud of me brother?”

“You know, with what she said? I’m... really considering it. I don’t know.. maybe I can check this Arcanist’s guild out. Maybe I could cast? Who knows...”

“Anyway... I miss you brother.. I’m going to go to sleep now... Goodnight.”

Beach of a Day

Well, I spent the first half of it doing jobs as one is want to do as an adventurer. They took me everywhere. From Ul’dah, to Gridania.. and finally...

Limsa Lominsa

It had been a really rough day. So you know, I -HAD- to take a dip.. it’s only fair!
Admittedly, I was a bit uncertain at first, I mean, I don’t know whats in these waters! But.. eventually I came around...
The water felt so GOOD.. Cool, inviting.. I let it melt away the tenseness from the day’s work. 
But that? that was just the beginning of my evening. More to come!

First Day

First day out the gate. An adventurer! I have my reasons of course, don’t we all? I will be training with the Pugilists In Ul’dah first and foremost. With agility and grace like mine what better place to start than what I already know hmm? It’s a brand new day, and who knows what Fate has in store. See you out there!

Greetings and Salutations!


Name: J’areth Nunh
Race: Miqo’te -- Seeker of the Sun
Gaurdian: Nymeia {The Spinner} 
Class/Job: Jack of all Trades 
Gender: Male
Age: 33 
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (7/7)
Hair Color:  Ebon Black with navy highlights. Fur is consistent with hair.
Eye Color:  Hetero-chromatic. Left: Jade Right: Sapphire 
Complexion:  Light Tan, with a scar across the right eye.
Height: 5′9″
Weight: 145lbs

Pace: His speech pace is roughly average, normally, though it speeds up when he becomes agitated or excited. 
Accent/Dialect: He has a very light accent, occasionally omitting H sounds, as well as pronouncing You or Your as Ye and Yers. When he concentrates, however, that accent seems to disappear completely, replaced with the lilt and curl one would expect of one far more educated. 
Voice Tone: His tone is a deep baritone, raising on occasion to a tenor when emotion is heightened. 
Habitual Words/Favorite words/Phrases/Curses: Darling / Dove / "till the last dawn" / "till the sea swallows all" / "Let Fate Decide” / “Fate take you.” 
General Vocabulary/Speech Pattern: His language is fifty fifty. When on the job he tends towards more precise, educated speech, when relaxed he tends towards average, or even vulgar speech.

Mannerisms/Demeanor: He has been described as Volatile or moody, but he can force himself to be calm, and confident. 
Typical Posture: He stands straight, but not stiffly, and tends to carry himself proudly, though when he relaxes, he slouches.
Gestures: He tends to gesture when excited or upset, otherwise does not gesture with more than ear twitches or eyebrow movements. 
Common Gestures: Often raises an eyebrow, or his ears twitch.

Psychological Issues:  Extremely possessive, overprotective, Selfish
Optimist/Pessimist: Somewhere in between, it depends on his mood.
Most Comfortable When: On a job, surrounded by his friends and cohorts.
Most Uncomfortable When: Alone, with nothing but his own meanderings down the dark alleyways of his mind.
Cautious/Brave/Reckless approach to life:  It varies depending on the situation and his mood. There is no guarantee how he will react to any given situation.
What do they most value/prioritize: Family, then friends, then the rest of the world.
What would they be willing to die for: See the above two questions. Family, Friends, to protect them, those he cares deepest for, he would do anything.
Are they generally compassionate/sensitive to others: He often comes off as a bit of an ass, though he has a heart of gold if you can get to it.
Personal Philosophy: "I am the only one who will save myself. I am the only thing that keeps me from going under. And if I can help others along the way, then it has been a good life."
What is their greatest wish: To be allowed to live safely, out on the open sea with his closest kin beside him, to take everything the world has to offer with no consequence. To be Free.
Greatest Strength: Loyalty, to family and friends.
Greatest Flaw: Lustful, anything he finds attractive he -wants-, and often -takes- (with consent of course.)
Other good Characteristics: Generous, Protective
Other Flaws: Aggressive, Jealous, Alcoholic
Their own Favorite attributes: Devotion to friends.
Their Least favorite attributes: Tendency to -need- to be in control. He hates that he feels this way when it leads to the pain of those he cares for, and wishes he could change it.. but he -needs- it, and cannot accept it, fighting himself every step of the way.
Are these feelings accurate: Usually.
How do they react to a crisis: His immediate reaction is keeping friends and family safe, followed quickly by intent to kill whatever is threatening them.
What usually causes problems in their life: His own jealousy and snap judgement.
Quirks: He has a tendency to call people darling or dove before knowing their name, and sometimes even after. He tends to see the worst possible outcome before anything else, in a given situation.

Food: Stew / Pastries / Cake
Drink: Rum, Whiskey, Red Wine, Coffee
Color: Black, Royal Purple, Sanguine Red
Music: Ballroom music and slow sea or love ballads. He finds them relaxing.
Physical Activity: Sailing, parkour.
Animal: Black Jackal (The animal of his tribe.) Ravens
Hangout: Ul’dah / Limsa Lominsa
Possession: His Necklace, a gift from his brother who died when they were children.


Greetings and Salutations!

Name:  J’areth Nunh Race:  Miqo’te -- Seeker of the Sun Gaurdian:  Nymeia {The Spinner}  Class/Job:  Jack of all Trades  Gender:  Male Ag...